Online Acting Coach LA:

Hollywood Training from the Comfort of Home


Like any good athlete, every actor needs a coach--an online acting coach. Convienent, flexible, and completely customized, there's no reason land-locked performers shouldn't have a taste of the Hollywood treatment.  Both working actors and enthusiastic novices have room to grow, with our custom curriculum.  Learn from educated, experienced actors who know the ins and outs of the industry-- and get better every time. Are you an LA Local? Awesome. Live coaching sessions are available, too!

Here's just a sampling of services provided:

  1. audition preparation

  2. scene study

  3. commercial copy

  4. character building

  5. custom original monologues

  6. self tape guidance

  7. college audition material selection

Not sure if this is right for you? Click here to schedule a time for a quick chat.